“Friends Don’t Let Friends Vote Tory” Free Poster Download

We know you love the mug, but our dystopian promo poster has proven a surprise hit with you guys! After printing some extras for a customer’s windows to upset their neighbours during election season, we thought that might appeal to more of you provocateurs and shit-stirrers. So we’re making it available to you all for FREE, as a download to print at home, or in the office with the nice printer maybe. If you can’t find a printer anywhere then we can sell you a poster for fairly cheap.

The catch is, we want you to subscribe to our weekly email newsletter. Unsubscribe immediately with our blessings, but we have it on good authority that it’s a great read, so it’s possible you might even enjoy it!

(Already subscribed? Submit the form anyway, it won’t add you twice but you will get the download link)

We share news from PRSC & Stokes Croft China of course, but we also support and amplify community voices by including events, news and opportunities from other arts & activist orgs. There’s politics (obv), a jobs section that features some of the more interesting vacancies, and even a mini gallery exploring the streets of Bristol & beyond.

    Gimme the free poster...

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    How do I get the poster?
    Sign up to our newsletter using the form above and we’ll email you a link to download a printable PDF of our Friends Don’t Let Friends Vote Tory apocalypse poster.

    What if I’m already subscribed?
    Fill out the form and keep the box ticked – you shouldn’t be signed up a second time but you will get the poster link!

    Why can’t I click submit?
    You gotta keep the email sign up box ticked!

    I don’t have a printer, can I just buy a poster?
    You sure can »

    Where can I get that mug?
    Get your Friends Don’t Let Friends Vote Tory mug here »

    Support PRSC

    We’re offering this poster for free because we want this important message out there in the world. But if you’re feeling generous and wish to support a grassroots social enterprise, we welcome all donations: