(scroll down for printable posters)
It’s taken a while to pull together, but we’re finally ready to start pushing the crowdfunder. This is the one you want: https://chuffed.org/project/114157-save-turbo-island

This is the official Save Turbo Island fundraising page which we and the community action group are behind, and now it needs pushing! Donate, post about it on your socials, and tell anyone you know who might be able to amplify it to shout it from the rooftops! Make posters, make art, make music, and lets get this ball rolling, and create the avalanche of support we know is waiting out there!

This was the main outcome of last night’s meeting at PRSC- the third public meeting of the Save Turbo Island group. We’re also starting to get ready for a massive party celebrating everything we love about Turbo! We’re still collecting accounts from people who have used and hung out on Turbo over the years too- especially useful are accounts from people who lived in the surrounding area and frequented Turbo before 2006. If that’s you, please get in touch via email hidden; JavaScript is required or via @save.turbo.island on Instagram.
We’re also investigating options to be our ‘fiscal hosts’ to look after the funds raised, working closely with Stokes Croft Land Trust and others to find a suitable official ‘owner’, and have got some excellent people offering us legal advice. We can always do with more willing hands and minds though. Get in touch via the above channels if you’d like to go out pasting up posters*, organising a street party, helping with social media, or anything else you think might be useful!
*Posters can be picked up from Stokes Croft China, or you can print your own… Turbo Island is Ours // Stokes Croft Deserves Public Space // Remember What Happened to the Bearpit? // For the People, For the Future