Exhibit in Bristol’s smallest and most exclusive gallery, The Loovre

Its coming up to the end of the year and to celebrate, the new Loovre curation team are putting on a mixed media exhibition in PRSC Space, for one night only, the 12th of December. We will be changing out the Loovre gallery space again, so we’re looking for art of ALL MEDIUMS that can fit into the theme of ‘RITUALS’.
This can be interpreted in many different ways and we’re excited to see your submissions. Please send in images of your work, be it physical or not, to email hidden; JavaScript is required.
We understand that it’s a short time frame for submissions (1st December) so feel free to send any old or new work that can fit the theme ‘Rituals’! We will be getting in touch with the creatives that submit their work on the evening of the 1st, the 2nd at the latest.
As ever, you can choose to sell your work (PRSC will take a 30% commission), or simply benefit from the exposure.
For submission details, more information or any questions, contact the Loovre team on Instagram @tha_loovre or send an email to email hidden; JavaScript is required.
Thank you and we all look forward to seeing your works.