On Monday 11th May, Bristol City Council Clean and Green Team painted out “Hope”, a collaboration between Cheo and 3-Dom, which was to be found on the Corner of Hillgrove Street and Stokes Croft. hillgrovepieceweb

This was the result of the Council’s splendid endeavours to improve the area…


This was a piece that was donated by the artists to the community. PRSC had arranged all necessary pemissions with the Landlord. The piece was therefore completely legal. So, ironically, it would appear that the Council have themselves committed an act of criminal damage.

In response to this, PRSC re-painted the site in the following fashion…


To voice your protest,please e-mail email hidden; JavaScript is required

Jan is the Chief Executive of BCC. We are fed up of fighting a running battle with the City’s Anti- Graffiti team, and would most cordially invite her to the Croft to discuss how we might all work toward the same end.

An interview with Chris Chalkley for Original FM on this subject can be heard on this blog post.