FADs (Facilitating All Dimensions) 001: Art Exhibition & Live Music
Art exhibition & live music by underground artists from Bristol & the North West.
Art exhibition & live music by underground artists from Bristol & the North West.
Artist open call to exhibit in Bristol’s smallest and most exclusive gallery, The Loovre. Submit by Dec 1st!
Light. Bright. Playful. Curated and hosted by PRSC, this colourful summer show features work from Fishlock, Zubieta, SLEVEN, Max Middlewood, MERNY, Sepr and Turbo Island.
Establishing a cultural platform to magnify and spread the love of the arts and cultural collaboration.
A unique and creative way to show your love this Mothers Day. Bring along someone you love or the whole family for an unforgettable experience – spin, splat, spray and swing paint until your heart (and canvas) is content!
Traverse the galaxies and marvel at the universe’s mysteries through artistic interpretations, at these free drop-in sessions of engaging activities to learn more about the cosmos.
Spend this Valentines Day on a unique date, have a drink at the bar and get messy together throwing, spinning, swinging and flicking paint to create an unforgettable memory, preserved on canvas to take home and hang on the wall.
Join The Splattered Canvas to paint away any January blues! Explore your inner creativity and let loose, whilst creating a unique painting to take home with you. Play has no age – this event is suitable for everyone!
Showcasing some inspiring hidden talent in Bristol, come and browse the beautiful artwork created by non professional and student artists. This will be paired with live music from acoustic Jazz artists featuring Chloe et Al.
Allowing the extraction of new oil and gas resources in the UK is obscene, a genocidal policy that will kill our children and condemn humanity to oblivion. It just has to stop. Hear more from the Just Stop Oil campaign.