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Bristol Transformed
Saturday 6 April, 2019 @ 08:00 - 17:00

Bristol Transformed is a festival of politics and culture in which we will discuss and engage with the exciting ideas and innovations emerging from the Left. It is inspired by the World Transformed festival, which takes place alongside the Labour Party conference, and is planned and run by a group of volunteers. We were impressed by the quality and diversity of the the program, the parties and the audience, and we want to bring that spirit to Bristol!
Our theme is People Powered Politics, and we will be putting on a number of panels, workshops and social events exploring matters like public ownership, co-ops, climate change, race, trade unionism, gentrification and alternative media. Bristol faces growing inequality, rising living costs, increasingly visible homelessness and the threat or closure of a number of music venues, arts centers and clubs which have contributed to the spirit of the city. For too long we have lived under the shadow of Capitalist Realism, which tells us that there is no alternative to the way things are, regardless of it it’s what we want, or if it allows us to live in a happy or healthy society. This notion is starting to break down, and we want people to join together from across a broad range of backgrounds and perspectives to open their minds to the possibilities on the horizon that you don’t normally get to hear about from the education system or the media. We want to inspire people with a positive vision for the future and help illustrate how it can be achieved by working together, showing what people power is capable of.
Workshops at the PRSC
Public Speaking Workshop
10 – 11.30am
Do you have something to say, but something stops you saying it? Whether it’s confidence that stops you, or concerns about how to structure an argument, this workshop will give you the confidence you need to speak up, the skills you need to be heard, and the tools to keep your speech structured, convincing and concise.
The workshop will be in 3 parts: First, we will cover how to project your voice and how to use a microphone effectively. Second, we will discuss issues of confidence in speaking and asking questions. And third, we will discuss how to structure your speech, in order to make it as concise as possible (important in long Labour meetings!) while being persuasive.
With Hannah Little and Joss MacDonald (Speech-writer for Jeremy Corbyn)
Acorn Workshop
11.45 – 1.15pm
Acorn are a community-based union tackling injustice across the country, bringing people together to support each other to improve their lives and their communities.
Come along to this workshop to learn more.
Power Mapping Workshop
2 – 3.30pm
Does your local Labour branch or Momentum group reflect your area? Join us for an action-focused session on power-mapping your community and ensuring your group responds to the needs of your local context.
with Louie Herbert, Labour Community Organiser
Social Striking
3.45 – 5.45pm
Come and play the Social Strike Game, a team-based strategy game that’s fun for all the comrades. It’s been developed to explore the concept of a social strike – a strike that takes place across the whole society, not just the workplace. It’s an opportunity to use your imagination to figure out ways that an array of different groups can co-ordinate their struggles to transform their city. Playing this game should get you thinking strategically and tactically about social struggles in the place where you actually live.
Delivered by Plan CL
Pub Quiz – We will round off the day’s events with a pub quiz. Come let your hair down and show off your trivia.