Bristol Green Capital 2015 Small Grants Round 2: Successful Projects Announced.
The second and final round of the Bristol Green Capital Small Grants Fund has now been announced.

The second round saw 112 applicants compete for an allocated fund of £75k towards local green projects, which was awarded to a worthy 16. The overall fund for the small grants programme was a pot of £250k and saw a remarkable 198 groups apply for the fund. This saw the awarding of £175k to 23 local initiatives, which were announced in December.

What is incredibly striking about the numbers is just how many great initiatives there are, and how active the local communities are in Bristol. The total amount of the 112 applications that was applied for in the second round was £650k, which in the grand scheme of things is an achievable amount and makes you think what could be possible, at a local, citywide level with just a little bit more funding in the right places.

Unfortunately PRSC was not one of the lucky few but congratulations to the 16 successful organisations.

Article submitted by Jon Newey.

For more info on Bristol SW cultural funding Follow @JNeweyArts


Here’s the list of the successful applicants.

OrganisationAward  (£)Project
Bristol Avon River Trust5000River clean up days in high problem areas
Buzz Lockleaze4200To set up the Buzz Community Food Shop, selling fresh, affordable produce in Lockleaze
 CPRE Avonside5000 To set up a community litter warden scheme
Montpelier Bean Feast880Toward the environmental activities at Montpelier Bean Feast Festival
Brandon Trust2670Develop a social enterprise using surplus produce at BT farm, where individuals with learning disabilities learn employment skills
 Bath YMCA6920To work with young people to create monthly Landfill Lunches, offering a community lunch made from food destined for landfill
 Full Circle2300To employ an artist to work with local children to explore the impact of litter and fly-tipping
 The Matthew Tree Project4000To develop a ‘cottage industry’ turning food waste into pickles and preserves for the Bristol market to be sold under the TMTP own brand label
 Ujima Radio4500To run Eat Your Greens, a project targeting the reduction of food waste in the home in BME communities
 Young Bristol 6252 To run a project to encourage young people to use public transport in the city Square
Food Foundation 4000 To run a series of workshops centred on food waste and how to reduce or avoid it
Food Cycle Bristol 4284  To run the volunteer led Bristol Hub, which serves meals from surplus food to people at risk of food poverty
Bristol Community Energy Ltd 10000  To recruit, train and equip volunteers to prepare community buildings to switch to solar energy
 Wild Walks Wellbeing 2500 To fund public transport for Wild Walk’s service users to reach the start of their walk
Groundwork South Trust 7500  For a series of community events to engage the community in the environment of Avon Gorge and the area surrounding the portway
Somali Youth Network4934 To engage local people in reducing street litter and to promote recycling in the high-rise flats in St Judes

