Stokes Croft China shop legend Sue Kilroe talks about her love for our NHS mugs…
I love the NHS mugs, we sell lots so it seems I’m not alone.
I love the NHS too. In this time of Covid-19, celebrating the NHS is, quite rightly, high on the public agenda. Like so many others I’ve clapped loud and hard for NHS, care home, and all front line workers. These amazing people have got us through to this point of the pandemic despite, not because of, the government’s action.
Bevan knew socialised health care and the Welfare State would be attacked by capital and so it has been ever since. Bevan fought hard for free comprehensive universal services for individual health and national economic benefit.
For those who need, there is a sanitised version and they can keep the subversive mutterings inside their heads.
Sue 1 you are a legend. Good china choice. Sue 2.