2021 in Pictures

2021 in Pictures

A reminder to (you and) ourselves that we did actually do some things in 2021! Click the thumbnails to view larger images. The year started slowly with snow and cake plates. Kim Darroch, former British ambassador to the United States, was spotted drinking from one of...
Carriageworks Façade Unveiled

Carriageworks Façade Unveiled

Anyone walking through the Croft over the last week or so should have noticed – the scaffolding has come down from the replacement of Westmoreland House, and the Carriageworks development. We’re finally seeing something of how it will affect the look of our...
We’re Hiring!

We’re Hiring!

These positions have now been filled! To hear about future vacancies, please sign up to our newsletter. Operations Manager To support and co-ordinate the management functions of PRSC across its range of activities and income streams by planning, reporting, monitoring,...