Just Stop Oil – Welcome Talk with Roger Hallam

Just Stop Oil – Welcome Talk with Roger Hallam

Allowing the extraction of new oil and gas resources in the UK is obscene, a genocidal policy that will kill our children and condemn humanity to oblivion. It just has to stop. Hear more from the Just Stop Oil campaign.

National Food Service: what would decommodified food provision look like?

National Food Service: what would decommodified food provision look like?

We have a National Health Service, a National Education Service so why should food provision be outside of government perimeters? What would a National Food Service look like? How would it differ to food provision now? What is food provision now like? How does the current system fail us and the planet? And importantly, if we want a NFS how would we get there? To answer all of these questions we have a panel of food activists who will also discuss their involvement in food production and provision.

Power Beyond Borders: Fighting Climate Change and Racism

Power Beyond Borders: Fighting Climate Change and Racism

To fight climate change we must also fight systems of discrimination that uphold capitalism and serve to divide us. At this event we will be showing the links between racism and forces that drive climate change. We have only 11 years left to tackle this and radically transform our world. Join is if you want to be part of this!

24H OUR CITY – The People Of The Croft

24H OUR CITY – The People Of The Croft

For the opening of our exhibition 24H OUR CITY – The People Of The Croft photographer Claudio Ahlers and installation artist Sarah Middleton are inviting visitors to re-live the 24-hours they spend capturing photographic portraits of passers-by, artists,...