Artificial Islands: Book Launch with Owen Hatherley

Artificial Islands: Book Launch with Owen Hatherley

Bristol Transformed are very pleased to have the wonderful Owen Hatherley back in Bristol for a chat and Q+A to launch his new book, Artificial Islands: Adventures in the Dominions. Great Britain has just left one Union. But might the island’s future lie in another Union altogether, with its former colonial “kith and kin” in a trans-oceanic super-state with Canada, Australia and New Zealand? Welcome to the strange world of the “CANZUK Union”, the name for a quixotic but apparently serious plan to reunify the white-majority “Dominions” of the British Empire under the flag of low taxes, strong borders and climate change denialism.

Carriageworks Façade Unveiled

Carriageworks Façade Unveiled

Anyone walking through the Croft over the last week or so should have noticed – the scaffolding has come down from the replacement of Westmoreland House, and the Carriageworks development. We’re finally seeing something of how it will affect the look of our...