Save Turbo Island: What next?
Fundraising, Asset of Community Value and Village Green status. Donate now to Save Turbo Island!

Turbo IS Ours. Lets Make It Official.
An update from the third meeting, and the official Save Turbo Island crowdfunder goes live!

More Turbo, More Art!
Many strands of work are under way. Working groups have been formed. Work is being done! The second meeting had some new faces with lots of brilliant contacts and ideas, and as always, memories and stories of Turbo Island and it’s importance to various locals...
Save Turbo Island Public Meeting
On Thursday 5th September a public meeting was called, in response to news the previous weekend that Turbo Island is going to be put up for auction. The main aim of the meeting was to assess interest in, and coordinate a combined community bid for Turbo.

Turbo Island: what’s actually going on?!
The sudden fencing off of Turbo Island has got the rumour mill grinding, and the usual reactionaries mouthing off, but what’s actually going on? After months of rumours of all kinds, from spoof planning applications to talk of fencing it all off, we were pleased to be...
Carriageworks Façade Unveiled
Anyone walking through the Croft over the last week or so should have noticed – the scaffolding has come down from the replacement of Westmoreland House, and the Carriageworks development. We’re finally seeing something of how it will affect the look of our...
Bristol’s Still Choking
Thank you to the group Our Air, Our City (AOAC) and the XR Bristol arts group for our beautiful new mural! It’s pretty dissapointing though that we still need to push our council to sort this out, and it’s not like people haven’t been trying to make...
Protesting for Our Right to Protest
The new Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill threatens to remove our right to peaceful protest, but Bristol’s not having a bit of it.
(Image credit: Colin Moody)

PRSC receives Resilience Grant from Government Cultural Recovery Fund
The Peoples Republic of Stokes Croft has been awarded £63,000 from central Government’s £1.57 billion Culture Recovery Fund to help us weather the economic storms of Covid and the havoc that has been unleashed.

Council Crackdown on established walls?
On the 12th June a graffiti artist was detained by police in St Werburghs for painting in the Mina Road Tunnel. Anyone who knows the area would probably be surprised to hear this- the tunnel has been one of the few tolerated (if not officially sanctioned) painting spots in the city for more than a decade.

There is no rubbish – only raw materials
Re-use, repair, salvage and reclamation are guiding principles here at PRSC

Reading the Streets: Filthy Taggers
A look at tagging, graffiti and decoding the streets…

Hope Through Solidarity in the Darkness
Over the harshest first months of lockdown I felt a growing anger at the failures of government at all levels to protect the most vulnerable, but recently, looking at the growing cooperation and solidarity between local people, mutual aid groups and charities, hope...
Who is Being Protected? Who is Left Out in the Cold?
An account from Benoit about our experiences supporting people on the front line through lockdown. We’ve been running weekly drop-in sessions for the local homeless community for a while now, mostly distributing information, sleeping bags and tents, and...
Staff Picks: Westmoreland House
As the gentrification of Stokes Croft and St Pauls continues apace, looking at the gap in the high street makes me wonder where the symbols of resistance and underground culture will be allowed to survive.