Turbo Poetry

Turbo Poetry

In October the local landmark affectionately known as Turbo Island was cleared and replaced with blank tarmac. This seems to be an attempt to reduce anti-social behaviour by reducing social behaviour, and is a logical progression in the great Britsol sanitisation...
We are Angry Women

We are Angry Women

Stop telling us to be scared. The streets were already ‘our streets’ and they have been getting safer for years. The only thing that has been on the increase is fear, and this is being used to divide and control us. As a woman, if I die a violent death it will almost...
Random Acts of Kindness Week

Random Acts of Kindness Week

Happy Random Acts of Kindness Week! Here at the PRSC we are constantly amazed at the kindness of our customers and volunteers. So we thought we would take a moment this week to acknowledge some of the projects we run, or work that we do which is completely powered by...
What we got up to in 2020

What we got up to in 2020

For the PRSC AGM last week, the crew prepared some short reports about where our efforts went in 2020 and what results we got. It seemed a shame to keep this data to ourselves so we have summarised the updates here. (This is quite a text heavy post. If you prefer a...
Happy National DJ Day!

Happy National DJ Day!

Today is National DJ day in the U.S and it feels like the UK could do with a day to celebrate our DJs too, so PRSC are stealing this one (actually we’re not stealing it, we’re just sampling it and making it fresh for a new audience).

Tesco’s Alcohol Habit

Tesco’s Alcohol Habit

Ten years ago Tesco sneakily gained planning permission to open on Cheltenham Road, inspiring the No Tesco in Stokes Croft campaign. Tesco still opened, but without late opening or a liquor license, thanks to the local campaigners. Fast forward to today, Tesco are at...
Local Media – Bristol Be Doing It For Themselves

Local Media – Bristol Be Doing It For Themselves

With venues closed and performances socially distanced at best, some Bristol cultural hubs have been turning to alternative ways to reach their audiences. Are we witnessing the birth of a new culture of Bristol community led media?

Everyone In?

Everyone In?

We can see a crisis of rough sleeping looming down the tracks and PRSC is calling for an urgent public debate about how the public funds and political will can be best used to actually start reducing the numbers of people who find themselves homeless or in insecure housing…

Staff Picks: We Love the NHS

Staff Picks: We Love the NHS

Stokes Croft China shop legend Sue Kilroe talks about her love for our NHS mugs… I love the NHS mugs, we sell lots so it seems I’m not alone. I love the NHS too. In this time of Covid-19, celebrating the NHS is, quite rightly, high on the public agenda. Like so...
Stokes Croft Developments

Stokes Croft Developments

As lockdown continues to keep most of us stuck at home, building developers, planners and construction workers have continued to busily reshape our city.